About Peter

Peter’s passion for the fine arts and his fascination for research motivates him to expand the boundaries of human knowledge by illustrating the obscure, the esoteric, and the new. He has taken this attitude into the Medical Illustration Graduate Program (MIGP) at Augusta University, where he will soon attain his Master of Science Degree.

Before entering the MIGP, Peter Naktin graduated summa cum laude from Temple University in 2021 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts, double-majoring in Painting and Biology. Endlessly fascinated with the biological world, Peter participated in several semesters of undergraduate research at the Hedges Biodiversity Lab. He also contributed to a manuscript detailing the discovery of two new species of Caribbean gecko.

Peter was also excited to an intern at Anatomical Justice, LLC - bolstering his capabilities in the fields of human anatomy, radiology, and graphic design by creating courtroom graphics for litigation. 

Peter received the 2022 Octavia Garlington Award for Instructional Design with his patient education brochure, emphasizing his care for accessibility and representation in medical media. He also received an Award of Excellence at the University of Georgia Student Exhibition. Peter continues to benefit society through illuminating visuals via publications, animations, and patient materials.

Peter's Resume (click to view)